Tag: Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities

Home / Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities

Ohio House Rolls Back Additional DODD Funding for Community Services

The Ohio House recently approved its version of the two-year state budget (H.B. 49), taking aim at key provisions in the budget introduced by Governor Kasich. This newest version of the spending bill includes significant alterations in proposed funding for the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), and axed many, though not all, of the...


Governor’s DODD Budget Includes Investments in Waiver Spending and Rate Increases

Governor Kasich’s recently released executive budget includes several noteworthy adjustments to funding within the state’s developmental disabilities system. Touted as an extension of the state’s “historic” investments of the previous budget cycle, the proposal includes increased funding on several important initiatives.[i] However, the budget includes some notable cuts as well. Overall, the budget proposes a...


The Social Services Block Grant is under attack. What does this mean for Ohio?

The House Ways and Means Committee announced last week that Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) is sponsoring legislation that would end the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG), a $1.7 billion dollar grant allocated to states to fund numerous critical social service programs. And on Wednesday, this bill was one of several that passed through the Committee,...


MBR Bill Proposes More Change for System

Services for individuals with developmental disabilities in Ohio may see more changes through the recent proposals outlined in House Bill 483, introduced last week. Sponsored by Representative Amstutz, the House Bill is a part of the mid-biennium review (MBR), a Kasich construct, which allows the administration to advance policy initiatives in off-budget years through working...


CMS “unlikely” to Grant Ohio 10 Years to Integrate Waiver Services

According to a recent update released by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), the Department now finds it “unlikely” that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will grant Ohio ten years to transition to delivering all of their home-and-community-based waiver services (HCBS) in integrated settings. Read the full statement here. This announcement...