Grantmaking at AFC
We strive to be nimble and responsive to the community, maintaining an array of funding strategies for both small, grassroots organizations and large institutions.
Apply for a grant from the AIDS Funding Collaborative
Join the ecosystem of organizations working to end the HIV epidemic in Cuyahoga County.
Discretionary Grants
Short-term grants up to $5,000
Catalyst Grants
Mid-range grants for innovative HIV-related efforts in specific neighborhoods or networks
Responsive Grants
1-year grants to support the AFC’s strategic priorities
Targeted Grants
Larger discretionary grants intended to strategically support the community
Work with the AIDS Funding Collaborative
Does your organization aim to increase access to care and decrease the spread of HIV? Apply for a grant or become a funding partner to help us minimize political and other barriers to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Our grantees
Each year we award grants for short-term needs all the way to multi-year, strategic community investments. View the complete list of grantees 2020-2023.

2023 Grantees
LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland: Q-You program for LGBTQ+ youth, $40,000
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio: HIV testing, prevention, and education in Cuyahoga County, $50,000
Project LIFT Behavioral Health Services: HIV testing project, $20,000
University Settlement: Conducting HIV/AIDS capacity building in Slavic Village, $50,000
Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center: 2023 National Latinx Conference, $4,800
ROOTED in the Community: Bringing Youth on Board healing weekend, $4,000
The Centers: Syringe Exchange Program, $100,000

2022 Grantees
LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland: Q-You program for LGBTQ+ youth, $52,079
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio: HIV testing, prevention, and education in Cuyahoga County, $50,000
Serenity Health and Wellness; fiscal sponsor Ginn Foundation: HIV education and outreach project, $50,000
University Settlement: Conducting HIV/AIDS capacity building in Slavic Village, $20,000
Ursuline Piazza: Educating and supporting people living with HIV to live better, healthier lives, $30,000
We Think 4 a Change: Get in Care, Stay in Care, Thrive in Care program, $50,000

2021 Grantees
CME Program CWRU School of Medicine: Advanced Management Issues in HIV Care $1,000
Equality Ohio: 2021 Summer HIV/AIDS Legal Research Fellows $5,000
May Dugan: All Staff Training $4,350
Art of Me: HIV/AIDS Voices Publication and Podcast Project$20,000
Pregnant with Possibilities Resource Center: The Real, Sexuality Education Program $17,000
LGBT Center: Q-You $50,000
We Think 4 A Change: Get in Care, Stay in Care, Thrive in Care $50,000

2020 Grantees
Equality Ohio: Summer HIV/AIDS Legal Research Fellows $5,000
Equitas Health: Transforming Care Conference scholarships $5,000
Ohio University (fiscal sponsor) HIV Prevention and Testing in Homeless by Doctors on the Streets $5,808
LGBT Center: Q-You $54,000
Preterm: HIV Testing and Prevention for Buckeye-Shaker at Preterm $50,000
Ursuline Piazza: Ursuline Piazza $50,000
We Think 4 A Change: The We Think 4 A Change Core Framework $43,000

2019 Grantees
Care Alliance Health Center: supporting sustainability of the community HIV testing program, $20,000
LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland: Q-You program for LGBTQ+ youth, $50,000
Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center: support for fiscal operations, $10,000
University Settlement: HIV/AIDS assessment; capacity-building in Broadway-Slavic Village, $25,000
Ursuline Piazza: capacity building efforts to support self-care programs for HIV-positive clients, $50,000
Grantmaking Forms
Start here to apply for a discretionary, catalyst, responsive, or targeted grant from the AIDS Funding Collaborative.